lunedì 7 maggio 2012


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Missione- Switch Gears for Summer

The Shammy Shimmy!
* Get 4 Shammies
* Harvest 25 Grapes 
* Harvest 25 Strawberry

Rewards: 125XP, Salesman Mongoose, 2.500 Coins

Skew and BBQ!
* Get 6 Veggie Skewers
* Harvest 75 Vegetables
* Harvest Salesman Mongoose Twice
Rewards: 150 XP,Munchin' Marten, 3.000 Coins

Lounge Act!
* Get 8 Patio Furniture
* Harvest 100 Soybeans (1 Day)
* Harvest the Munchin' Marten Twice
Rewards: 175XP, 3x Unwither, 3.500 Coins

Shorts Weather!
* Get 9 Cargo Shorts
* Harvest 75 Peanuts 
* Harvest 75 Fruit
Rewards: 200 XP, Summer Alligator, 4.000 Coins

Sun Blocker!
* Get 9 Sun Hats
* Harvest 150 Sunflowers
* Master Salesman Mongoose 1 Star
Rewards: 225 XP. Slip and Slide, 4.500 Coins

Hot Foot!
* Get 9 All Terrain Shoes
* Harvest 150 Wheat 
* Harvest the Pet Run Twice
 Image Hosted by PicturePush - Photo Sharing
Rewards: 250 XP, Book of XP, 5.000 Coins

Rispoli's Ride!
* Get 10 Sponges
* Harvest 150 Bell Pepper 
* Master Munchin' Marten 1 Star 
Rewards: 275 XP, Car Wash Otter, 5.500 Coins

Shinny and New!
* Get 11 Cans of Car Wax
* Harvest 150 Grain
* Harvest the Livestock Pen Twice
Rewards: 300 XP, 3 Pack of Turbos, 6.000 Coins

Fuzzy Dice!
* Get 12 Fuzzy Dice
* Harvest 200 Cranberry
* Master the Summer Gator to 1 Star 
Rewards: 325 XP, Rispoli's Ride, 6.500 Coins

Farmville: Mystery game del 07 Maggio

Ecco i premi che potrete trovare giocando al mystery game. Speriamo sempre nel tiro gratis, anche se questa volta i premi sono davvero belli e magari si potrebbe anche spendere qualche FV cash…
20 FV cash a tiro ma se ne avete ricevuti dalle missioni andate nel gift box e cliccate su usa.
I premi sono dedicati alla festa della mamma che si svolgerà Domenica prossima, il premio bonus è proprio l’uccellino mamma che imbocca i suoi piccoli nel nido… varrebbe la pena tentare di prenderli tutti…
Ma a voi quale piacerebbe vincere? io sono indecisa tra il drago e i coniglietti!
  • FarmVille Red Carnation Pegasus
  • FarmVille Carnation Dragon
  • FarmVille Country B&B
  • FarmVille Carnation Waterfall
  • FarmVille Mom’s Garden
  • FarmVille Rabbit Family
  • FarmVille Mother Bird (Bonus Prize)
FarmVille Red Carnation Pegasus
FarmVille Carnation Dragon
FarmVille Country B&B
FarmVille Carnation Waterfall

Switch Gears for Summer Quest!

 10 Maggio, 2012 till 24 Maggio, 2012

The Shammy Shimmy!
* Get 4 Shammies
* Harvest 25 Grapes 
* Harvest 25 Strawberry

Rewards: Salesman Mongoose

Skew and BBQ!
* Get 6 Veggie Skewers
* Harvest 75 Vegetables
* Harvest Salesman Mongoose Twice

Rewards: Munchin' Marten

Lounge Act!
* Get 8 Patio Furniture
* Harvest 100 Soybeans (1 Day)
* Harvest the Munchin' Marten Twice

Rewards: 3x Unwither

Shorts Weather!
* Get 9 Cargo Shorts
* Harvest 75 Peanuts 
* Harvest 75 Fruit

Rewards: Summer Alligator

Sun Blocker!
* Get 9 Sun Hats
* Harvest 150 Sunflowers
* Master Salesman Mongoose 1 Star

Rewards: Slip and Slide

Hot Foot!
* Get 9 All Terrain Shoes
* Harvest 150 Wheat 
* Harvest the Pet Run Twice

Rewards: Book of XP

Rispoli's Ride!
* Get 10 Sponges
* Harvest 150 Bell Pepper 
* Master Munchin' Marten 1 Star 

Rewards: Car Wash Otter

Shinny and New!
* Get 11 Cans of Car Wax
* Harvest 150 Grain
* Harvest the Livestock Pen Twice

Rewards: 3 Pack of Turbos

Fuzzy Dice!
* Get 12 Fuzzy Dice
* Harvest 200 Cranberry * Master the Summer Gator to 1 Star 

Rewards: Rispoli's Ride