New Quest 1: Fairy Nice to Meet You!
Prima missione: Ottieni 6 Toadstools( share in Home), Raccogliere 50 zolle di fiore( qualsiasi), e raccogli 10 pecore Premi: 50 XP, 2500 coins & Fairy SheepNew Quest 2: Any Fae You Want It!
Seconda missione: Ottieni 6 Acrons Rovere(richiesta aiuto amici), Raccogliere 50 Red Toadstools & raccogli 1 Sheep Fata Premi :50 XP, 2500 coins & Fairy Godmother New Quest 3: Only the Fairy Best!
Premi :50 XP, 2500 coins & Enchanted Rose
New Quest 4: In Sprite of Everything!
Premi :50 XP, 2500 coins & Blue Dragon .
New Quest 5: Pixie Best One!
Premi :50 XP, 2500 coins & Fairy Castle
New Quest 6: To the Fairy End!
Premi :50 XP, 2500 coins & Fairy Pond.
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