giovedì 23 febbraio 2012

Hawaiian Paradise Chapter 2 Quests: Guide, Links, & Tips

Hawaiian Paradise Chapter 2: Ukulele Bill Quests

Are You Ready For Some Island Excitement?
Note: These quests will be the first set of quests for those players who wait for free access. These will be the Chapter 2 quests for those players who buy the early access.

Quest Icon
Quest RequirementsClick To AskQuest Reward
Quest 1: Welcome to Hawaii
  1. Get 6 Tourist Maps 
  2. Harvest 10 Kelp
  3. Improve Volcano Reef to Level 2
Rewards: 125 XP, Eagle Ray, 1,000 Coconuts

Tourist MapEagle Ray
Quest 2: Lei Around
  1. Get 7 Welcome Leis
  2. Harvest 45 Taro
  3. Harvest 1 Spotted Eagle Ray
Rewards: 150 XP, Duck Totem, 1,000 Coconuts

Welcome LeiDuck Totem
Quest 3: Tropical Reception
  1. Get 8 Tiny Umbrellas
  2. Complete 1 Island Livestock Pen
  3. Make Poi Twice
Rewards: 175 XP, Fire Dancer Pig, 1,000 Coconuts

Tiny UmbrellaFire Dancer Pig
Quest 4: Hawaiian Hello
  1. Get 8 Tropical Cups
  2. Harvest 15 Kelp
  3. Harvest 1 Fire Dancer Pig
Rewards: 200 XP, Male and Female Fire Dancers, 1,000 Coconuts

Tropical CupMale and Female Fire Dancers
Quest 5: Shades of Fun
  1. Get 8 Pairs of Sunglasses
  2. Harvest 20 Yellowfin Tuna
  3. Make Seaweed Soup Twice
Rewards: 225 XP, Sword Fish, 1,000 Coconuts

Pair of SunglassesSword Fish
Quest 6: Wear Sunscreen
  1. Get 8 Bottles of Sunscreen
  2. Harvest 2 Aquariums
  3. Make Inamona Twice
Rewards: 250 XP, Wind Surfing Duck, 1,000 Coconuts

Bottle of SunscreenWind Surfing Duck
Quest 7: Add Visor 
  1. Get 7 Sun Visors
  2. Harvest 60 Taro
  3. Harvest 60 Golden Sugarcane
Rewards: 275 XP, Golfer Cow, 1,000 Coconuts

Sun VisorGolfer Cow
Quest 8: A Sunny Stroll
  1. Get 8 Banana Bunches
  2. Harvest 60 Yams
  3. Make Poi Twice
Rewards: 300 XP, Ne Ne Goose, 1,500 Coconuts

Banana BunchNe Ne Goose
Quest 9: A Walk in Paradise
  1. Get 8 Crackers
  2. Harvest 30 Shrimp
  3. Harvest Nene Goose
Rewards: 325 XP, Red Coral Tree, 2,000 Coconuts

CrackersRed Coral Tree
Quest 10: Cliff Knots
  1. Get 9 Strong Ropes
  2. Harvest 65 Hilo Pineapple
  3. Make Sweet and Sour Shrimp 3 Times
Rewards: 350 XP, Cinnamon Teal Duck, 2,500 Coconuts

Strong RopeCinnamon Teal Duck
Quest 11: Flip Flopper
  1. Get 10 Pairs of Sandals
  2. Harvest Ne Ne Goose Twice
  3. Make 3 Pineapple Rises
Rewards: 375 XP, Wave Runner Duck, 5,000 Coconuts

Pair of SandalsWave Runner Duck
Quest 12: Happy Hammock
  1. Get 12 Hammocks
  2. Master Ne Ne Goose To 1-Star
  3. Improve Volcano Reef To Level 3
Rewards: 500 XP, Aloha Horse, 10,000 Coconuts

HammockAloha Horse

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