martedì 22 maggio 2012

Summer Vacation Farmventure Quests!

Nuova missione in arrivo. Le vacanze estive si avvicinano (almeno in farm) e Barbara viene a visitare la nostra farm per passarci le vacanze… saremo in grado di ospitarla come si deve??
Queste missioni dovrebbero cominciare il 24 Maggio e terminare il 7 Giugno, potranno essere fatte in tutte le farm, saranno ripetibili se le terminate prima e come al solito le immagini arriveranno dopo :)

Working for Peanuts!
* Get 4 Peanut Jars
* Harvest 50 Peanut (16 Hrs)
* Harvest Zoo 2 Times
8314931 Summer Vacation Farmventure Quests!
Rewards: 125 XP, Brown Baby Elephant, & 2,500 Farm Coins
Bugging Out!
* Get 6 Bug Catchers
* Harvest 75 Peppermint (1 Day)
* Harvest Brown Baby Elephant 2 Times
6346d620d60e458fc5a5278e367ded82 Summer Vacation Farmventure Quests!
Rewards: 150 XP, 2x Unwithers, & 3,000 Farm Coins
Graze the Tent!
* Get 8 Tent Stakes
* Harvest 100 Spinach (14 Hrs)
* Harvest Cow Pasture 2 Times
Rewards: 175 XP, Leaf Hut, & 3,500 Farm Coins

Seams to Be a Problem!
* Get 8 Sewing Jars
* Harvest 125 Cotton (12 Hrs)
* Master Baby Brown Elephant to 1-Star (5 Harvests)
8314938 Summer Vacation Farmventure Quests!
Rewards: 200 XP, Cotton Cow, & 4,000 Farm Coins

Wetter Proofing!
* Get 8 Raincoats
* Harvest 150 Golden Poppies (1 Day)
* Harvest Cotton Cow 2 Times
9356b184ce57c9ad2733c42be40e252a Summer Vacation Farmventure Quests!
Rewards: 225 XP, 1x Turbo Charger Pack, & 4,500 Farm Coins

Picking Plenty Pairs of Peppers!
* Get 8 Pepper Pick-Me-Ups
* Harvest 150 Bell Peppers
* Harvest Horse Paddock 2 Times
Rewards: 250 XP, Bell Pepper Tree, & 5,000 Farm Coins

It Happens Every Time…!
* Get 9 Eggplant Peelers
* Harvest 150 Eggplants (2 Days)
* Master Cotton Cow to 1-Star (5 harvests)
Rewards: 275 XP, Purple Woodchuck, & 5,500 Farm Coins

* Get 10 Seed Spreaders
* Harvest 150 Soybeans (1 Day)
* Harvest Purple Woodchuck 2 Times
cdf6c670c8b21d45f0842faa9d13211e Summer Vacation Farmventure Quests!
Rewards: 300 XP, Mystery Dart, & 6,000 Farm Coins

Nite Brite!
* Get 12 Shrub Planters
* Harvest 200 Lilacs (10 hrs)
* Harvest Bell Pepper Tree 2 Times
8314936 Summer Vacation Farmventure Quests! (Foal)
Rewards: 325 XP, Firefly Pony, & 6,500 Farm Coins

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